Sibenik är en liten mysig by som ligger vid Croatiens kust. Vanligtvis väljer jag att bo på små hak men igår blev tröttheten akut och jag valde första, bästa hotell som poppade upp. Troligen det farligaste valet på hela resan. Elkontakterna hänger å svajjar, nödutgångar saknas, alla springer runt och röker, endast en trång trappa
Riding down the streets of Split. A guy on a BMW f1200 GS rides on the other side of the street. He lift his hands like “what´s up” and he stops. I turn around and stop next to him. Zeljan got the fancy title “president of the BMW club in Split” and the hospitality is
My chain needs to get tighten but I don´t have the right tools. I swing by BMW car and motorrad dealer in Split to see if they have time to fix it. It´s a smal shop and everybody works hard. Cars are going in and out of the little garage like a drive-thru. I leave my bike and go
Walked along the harbor in Kotor and found a boat with a Swedish flag and 2 Norwegians onboard. Got a nice breakfast.
Motorbike rider, reporter and photographer Bastian Benjamin Brüsecke from Germany plays in the snow =)
The old road to Theth is magic! Its such a beutiful and fun ride.
We left Shkoder at late morning heading towards Theth. We chose the “old road” witch is about 60 kilometers of small gravel roads. We had rain, rain, more rain, hail, thunderstorms and rain. We arrived to a guesthouse and Poschka, the mother of the house served us a superb supper. We left the guesthouse around 18.00
Vi reser in i Albanien. Gränskontrollen ser tom ut men det kommer ut en man. Det gick fort. Så en ny kontroll efter 100 meter. Han ler och är glad. Direkt efter kontrollen blir det grus… Jiiihuuu tänker vi. Men det var bara någon kilometer så blev det asfalt… Albanien som sa ”skojja bara”. Vi